Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hebrews 12-13; Jude

Hebrews 13:6

So we say with confidence, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Yesterday in Hebrews 11 I read about all (I know, it wasn't ALL as in an exhaustive list.) the saints who lived by faith. Many of them, in spite of what they saw or knew or what common sense would have told them, followed God and did things that your average man would think is crazy. But their confidence in God was so great that they could do nothing else. They did not fear the judgments of man who they could see and who mocking them or tried to kill or torment them. They feared God.

I'm not one to really worry about what others think about the kind of car I drive or what clothes I wear or other things like that. But like most people, I don't like to be made fun of or mocked or be made to feel like I'm looked down upon. If it had been me trying to build the ark, would I have been able to stand up to the ridicule of my neighbors? Do I really have the kind of faith and confidence in God I'd like to think I have? IF I'm not always following Him in the small ways because I'm fearful of what man will do to me, how can I ever be entrusted to do something big for Him?

I need to be on constant guard that I do look to The Lord as my helper and that I do follow His leadings with confidence regardless of the reaction of the people around me. What can they do to me that He is not able to help me through?

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