Monday, March 28, 2011

Matthew 8:21-22

Another disciple said to Him, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”

These verses aren't about burying somebody at all. They are about following Jesus. Not when it works into my schedule. Not when it runs parallel to my plan. Not when it doesn't interfere with what I want to do. The following is on His terms, His schedule, His plan, His agenda.

Funny, the past several days I've been thinking a lot more about heaven, growing in my longing to be there and freed from the filth and tug of the sin of this world. When I was young, (not that I'm very old now), I had many thoughts along the lines of hoping Jesus doesn't come back until after several life envents for me, getting married, owning my own house, travel to certain places. having children, seeing my children become mature adults, having grandchildren, a leasurily, early retirement. A whole list of things on my agenda. Or sometimes there are other "If..., then I'll follow." deals we want to make. If I get a raise, then I'll tithe. When the kids' sports season is over, then I'll have time for devotions.

What's been my excuse when Jesus asks me to follow Him? What's yours? Is there any such thing as a "valid excuse" to not follow Jesus? I don't think so. I have to constantly be on my guard. So when He says follow, I don't say, "Lord, first let me..." To follow Jesus means there are no "first let me..." things that encumber my obedience. There just needs to be a simple yes. I haven't mastered following yet. But that is what I pray and strive for.

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